On January 26, customs officials celebrate World Customs Day. The world customs community celebrates the first officia
At a meeting of the Board of NOCA, the application for full membership of DISCORDIA, Sofia, was consi
On 29th November a joint face-to-face and online seminar was held by NOCA, NSBS and Unitax Consult on the Import Contr
At a meeting of the Management Board of NOCA, the candidacy of Customs Agency Ltd., Sofia, for full m
On November 8, 2024, the National Organization of Customs Agents (NOCA) celebrated 25 years since its foundation, and the event was marked by holdi
The National Organization of Customs Agents (NOMA) is actively involved in the dissemination of business integrity sta
Business needs open borders. Around this opinion, participants united in a discussion on the topic: "The cost of staying outside the Schengen
A joint meeting between NOCA and the Association of Customs, Excise and Tax Service Providers, Hungary (VJASZSZ) was held in the city of Budapest,
The Minister of Education and Science issued an order on the new list of professions for vocational education, and tha
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian National Organisation of Customs Agents (NOCA), we are sending yo